MAKIKO Therapeutic Massage



The focus of my bodywork is always to help you to feel grounded. Your feet are the foundation of your house, your body. If the foundation is imbalanced, the rest of the house will be askew. A grounded person feels the force of gravity, a connection to the earth, and at the same time a sense of lightness. When your body is grounded your mind is at peace.

My Holistic Therapeutic Massage is all personalized, and mixed with posture assessment, Swedish/Deep tissue massage, Shiatsu, Craniosacral therapy, Reflexology, breathing work and could add Facial lymph drainage massage or therapeutic cupping.

  • Holistic Therapeutic Massage: $90/hr, $120/90min

  • Deep Healing Session with Craniosacral Therapy & Reflexology: $90/hr

    *Gift Certificates are available!

Capitol Plaza Hotel

100 State Street Suite 230

Montpelier VT 05602